1 March 2025 The Future is the Product of the Past

Sensational Discovery: Miniature Gold Box Lock from Roman Era Found

The detectorist Constantin Fried has unearthed a miniature gold box lock dating back to the Roman era in Petershagen, located on the border between Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia.

According to the Landscape Association of Westphalia-Lippe (LWL), the lock is estimated to be from the 3rd to 4th century AD and is made of pure gold, marking it as a unique and sensational find for researchers.

The tiny lock, measuring just 1.2 by 1.1 centimeters, was examined using a neutron computed tomography scanner at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland.

This advanced imaging technique provided researchers with a detailed view of the lock’s interior. Although the external key and chain were missing from the find in Petershagen, the 3D images revealed gold rivets and links inside the lock.

Image credit: Landscape Association of Westphalia-Lippe (LWL)

This evidence confirms that the lock was functional approximately 1,600 years ago. Thanks to the insights gained from the CT scan, the LWL was able to create a 4:1 scale replica of the lock.

The chief archaeologist of the LWL, Michael Rind, speculates that “perhaps a member of a local elite brought this exquisite piece back as a souvenir or gift upon returning from military service in Rome,” given that similar but larger locks existed during the Roman period.

The LWL notes that many scientific questions remain unanswered. It is unclear how such an extremely small object could have been crafted without the modern tools we have today, such as artificial light or magnifying glasses.

Rind poses the question, “Was this a one-off creation, or are there similar precious miniatures that have yet to be discovered?” He emphasized that the extraordinary find from Petershagen showcases the high level of craftsmanship in provincial Roman metalworking and locksmithing.


Cover Image credit: Landscape Association of Westphalia-Lippe (LWL)

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