29 September 2021
A cave chamber sealed off by sand for some 40,000 years has been discovered in Vanguard Cave inside the Gorham’s...
13 September 2021
Findings that will change our perception of Neanderthals’ sophistication A team from the University of Tübingen have proved that Middle...
22 August 2021
Stone tools and animal bones unearthed recently have thrown new insight into the history of human presence in Paveh county,...
21 August 2021
A study of pigments used in murals in the Cueva Ardales caves in southern Spain has revealed that Neanderthals, long...
22 June 2021
The archaeological excavation site at Boker Tachtit in Israel’s central Negev desert offers evidence to one of human history’s most...
2 June 2021
People developed numbers tens of thousands of years ago, according to archeological findings. Scholars are now investigating the first comprehensive...
8 May 2021
Archaeologists in Italy have discovered the remains of nine Neanderthals who were reportedly killed and mauled by hyenas in their...
10 April 2021
Before the invention of modern dental instruments, people tried to treat teeth using primitive methods. Nobody wants to have a...
1 March 2021
Virtual reconstructions of Neanderthal ears show that had the same physical capacity for hearing as modern humans, and by inference...