Beech tree is the most important symbol of Turkish mythology.
The tree symbol is important in Turkish mythology. The tree is sacred and takes advantage of its sacred energy contained within. Among the trees that are considered sacred in Turkish mythology, pine, poplar, juniper, cypress, cedar, mulberry, willow and beech wood, which is believed to be used by good, guardian spirits as their way into the world.
Beech tree is the most important symbol of Turkish mythology. It is believed to contain the God kut.(kut:soul)
Therefore, Turks find relief, relax and purify where the beech tree is located. It is thought that prayers made near a beech reach God faster and are accepted more quickly.
The beech tree, which offers purification and blessing, is attributed to femininity by the Turks. It is accepted that the woman’s soul has absorbed into the beech tree. Keep motherhood was the spirit alive. The name of beech comes from the soul of the woman, the spirit of maternity.

Bahattin Uslu, in his book named Turkish Mythology; writes that the beech tree is mentioned as “woman” in Divan-ı Lügat-it Turk. Uslu includes the following information in his chapter. The beech, who is referred to as “woman” in Divan-ı Lügat-it Turk, is still referred to as a woman among Tuva Turks. So, it would not be wrong to call it a “woman tree”.
Beech, who is always in the south of the Tree of Life, and sometimes replaces the tree of life itself, is described in the Epic of Er Sogotoh, which tells about the existence of the first human being:
“When people came out of the house and looked south, it was seen that a large beech tree rose to the south. This beech tree is so beautiful that it resembles a young girl … ”
The first man, Er Sogotoh, moves in the direction of this beech tree and finds his wife and descends to the earth. Mother Umay, the protective spirit of women and children, descends to the earth and brings two beeches with her. Prayers made next to the beech tree reach God faster and are accepted more quickly. No lightning or lightning strikes on it, evil spirits stay away from it. It brings happiness, goodness and love to the newly established family. It is the symbol of youth, happiness, freedom, peace, friendship and homeland. The Tree of Life is one with beech and an eagle, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s enough for everything alone. It continues to be the balance of the world and everything that exists with its great and sublime body, giving calmness to souls with its presence.