Roman-era Pottery Workshop discovered in Alexandria
The Egyptian archaeological mission discovered a Roman-era pottery workshop at the site of Tibet Mutawah, west of Alexandria. The researchers...
Farmer Found Sarcophagus of Hellenistic Period in his Field
The citizen named E. G. in Akçakoca, Taşkuyucak District of Gölmarmara district of Manisa (Turkey), while plowing his field, thought...
Pandemics Determined the Fate of Wars in Ancient Times
Epidemics have been one of the factors affecting the fate of wars throughout history. Epidemics have sometimes turned the fate...
Library Wars in the Old Age!
One of, the world’s oldest and largest library, the other was born 100 years later as a rival to it....
2500 Years of Animal Love in Termessos Ancient City
We are witnessing more and more of the unscrupulousness, cruelty and torture inflicted on our animal friends every day.These news...
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