An imitation Arabic dinar discovered in Norfolk may have been made by Vikings
A gold disc struck with a fake inscription imitating an Arabic dinar found near Morston, Norfolk in April 2021 may...
Ancient Latin texts written on papyrus reveal new information about the Roman world
Researchers funded by the European Union have deciphered ancient Latin texts written on papyrus. This work could reveal a lot...
Part of lost star catalog of Hipparchus found hidden in Medieval parchment
Hipparchus’ fabled star catalog, which had been thought to be lost, was discovered concealed in a medieval parchment that had...
Ancient Herpes DNA Points to Oral Herpes’ Beginnings: First kisses may have helped spread cold sore virus
The ancient genomes of the herpes virus, which commonly causes lip sores and currently infects about 3.7 billion people worldwide,...
Homo Sapiens are older than we previously thought
Researchers have discovered that Omo I skeletons, previously thought to be less than 200,000 years old, are 230,000 years old....
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