28 February 2024
A new natural technique for cleaning and preserving priceless ancient Egyptian papyrus that are in danger from bacteria and fungi...
Archaeologists from the Frankfurt Archaeological Museum have recently uncovered a remarkably preserved wooden cellar in the Roman city of Nida...
27 February 2024
As a part of research on medicinal plants in Bergama, İzmir’s historic district where Galen (129 AD -200 AD) once...
Bar-Ilan University researchers shed “unprecedented light” on Philistine ritual practices, such as the use of psychoactive and medicinal plants, by...
26 February 2024
In the Museum of the Palace of the Grand Dukes in Vilnius, Lithuania, a mysterious lead tablet dating back to...
25 February 2024
On Fraueninsel, an island in Germany’s Lake Chiemsee, archaeologists discovered a cult site that may have been slumbering underground for...
After years of work, archaeologists discovered an impressive Etruscan tomb partially hidden underground in the rock-cut necropolis of San Giuliano...
24 February 2024
A copper dagger more than 4,000 years old was found in a forest near the town of Jarosław on the...
23 February 2024
Archaeologists digging at the northern end of Trafalgar Square found evidence that Saxon London’s center was bigger and extended further...
At a previously unknown Roman settlement that was formerly next to a busy port but is now 10 miles from...