27 July 2024 The Future is the Product of the Past

Ancient tomb with prayer-related murals found in China’s Shanxi

Archaeologists in north China’s Shanxi Province have found an ancient tomb dating back to the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) with murals illustrating the contents of prayers for family, according to the provincial institute of archaeology.

The excavation of the tomb, located in Nihe Village, Xiushui Township of Yangquan City, was launched in March.

Archaeologists discovered that four persons were buried in the tomb, and murals feature on the tomb gate, the main wall, and the arch of the tomb chamber.

The mural paintings feature abundant elements including starry sky, a child riding a crane, a lion playing with a silk ball, and a dog and deer, which signify good fortune and auspiciousness.

“Tomb murals of this dynasty usually show filial piety and feasts, but this tomb is different from those,” said Zhang Zhaohui, from the provincial institute of archaeology, adding that the discovery will help enrich the understanding of the folk beliefs of the Jin Dynasty.

Part of a mural found in a tomb in Zhangzi county, Shanxi province. [Photo: China Daily]

Source: China.org.cn

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