A marble block depicting the mythological story of Actaeon (Akteon), who was killed by his dogs, was found during the excavations in the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium in the province of Düzce in northwestern Turkey.
The excavations of the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium, located in the Konuralp town of Düzce, continue with the support of Düzce Municipality.
During the excavations in the theater of the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium, a marble block decorated with plant motifs was unearthed, depicting the hunter Actaeon, who was killed with her dogs because she angered the Goddess Artemis.
Inlaid marble blocks and architectural figures were unearthed in the stage section of the ancient theater, which is thought to belong to the Roman period.
With the excavations, the history of the region, which started in the 3rd century BC, is tried to be illuminated.

The most striking of the blocks decorated with floral and mythological elements was the hunter Actaeon, who was killed with his own dogs by angering the Goddess Artemis in mythology. The Actaeon, which was made unrecognizable by three dogs, is at the top of the block takes place decorated with herbal decorations. Other remarkable finds are the superstructure blocks belonging to the stage building with tragedy, comedy, and drama masks, similar to which have been found in the same area before, and the structure blocks with floral decorations.
Düzce Mayor Dr. Faruk Özlü stated that they made great efforts to increase the excavations to 12 months, and excavation and removal work was carried out in the region with the support of construction equipment, equipment, and workers.
Özlü also said, ‘Turkey’s fastest ongoing excavation site is Konuralp Antique Theater. We attach great importance to these excavations because the region has a history here. A history starting from the 3rd century BC is coming to light.”

Hunter Actaeon
Actaeon was a Thebian huntsman hero in Greek mythology. He son of the minor god Aristaeus and Autonoë (daughter of Cadmus, the founder of Thebes in Boeotia); he was a Boeotian hero and hunter. According to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Actaeon accidentally saw Artemis (goddess of wild animals, vegetation, and childbirth) while she was bathing on Mount Cithaeron; for this reason, he was changed by her into a stag and was pursued and killed by his own 50 hounds.
Because the dogs do not realize that they are tearing their master to pieces, they howl in search of Actaeon. So they come to Chiron’s cave. Chiron also makes a statue of Actaeon to calm the dogs.