29 September 2024 The Future is the Product of the Past

Massive Roman Mosaic Floor Discovered in Türkiye

A massive floor mosaic of 84 square meters, which is thought to belong to the Late Roman or Early Byzantine period, was discovered by chance while a farmer was excavating for planting saplings in the Salkaya village of Elazığ, located in the Eastern Anatolia region of Türkiye.

The mosaic depicting dozens of animals, trees, and plant species is considered to be the first of its kind in Turkey with its size, borders, and geometric patterns.

Mehmet Emin Sualp, who planted saplings in his field about a year ago in Salkaya village, 14 kilometers away from Elazığ city center, noticed a mosaic-patterned structure with various patterns on it by chance. Thinking that the structure he found could be a historical relic, the field owner reported the situation to the Elazığ Museum Directorate and the gendarmerie. As a result of the investigations carried out in the area, the floor mosaics of a historical building, which is thought to belong to the Roman or Early Byzantine Period, were identified.

Photo: İHA

Excavation and rescue works were initiated by the Elazığ Museum Directorate under the coordination of the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

As a result of the excavation and rescue works spread over a wide area, a floor mosaic of 84 square meters was unearthed in one piece.

The floor mosaic, which is in one piece and depicts animal figures such as lion, mountain goat, duck, greyhound, deer, pheasant, pig, bear, goose, Anatolian leopard, bird, tree, and plant species, is considered to be the first of its size in Türkiye. On the other hand, a church and a wine cellar were also unearthed in the region.

Photo: İHA

Elazig Governor Numan Hatipoglu, who inspected the area, said: ‘It is in one piece and is an enormous artifact. As a result of our researches in the region, if areas where we need to carry out excavation work again emerge, we will also work on them. As a result of our studies, if there are historical artifacts suitable for exhibition and display in the region, we will develop a different strategy for this place. If not, we will prepare this historical artifact for exhibition in Elazığ Center.’

Photo: İHA

Governor Numan Hatipoğlu also thanked the citizen who found the mosaic.

Cover Image: İHA
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