8 October 2022
The largest and tallest pyramids in the world are incredible feats of design, engineering, and construction. The Great Pyramid of...
10 September 2022
The Indus River Valley (or Harappan) civilization (3300-1300 BCE) lasted 2,000 years and spanned northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest...
4 September 2022
The Derveni papyrus is considered Europe’s oldest legible manuscript still in existence today. It is an ancient Greek papyrus roll...
31 July 2022
The Mayans excelled at agriculture, pottery, writing, calendars, and arithmetic, leaving an incredible quantity of spectacular architecture and symbolic artwork...
12 July 2022
Sometimes art and architecture challenge our perceptions of what was formerly thought to be feasible and what our forefathers were...
For many years in a row, wine has been a popular alcoholic beverage consumed worldwide. While we associate many things...
12 June 2022
During the restoration of the ancient Sheikh Suleiman Mosque, which was restored as part of the Med-Art Education Project by...
17 May 2022
In 2017 and 2018, Cotswold Archeology and Oxford Archeology, in a joint venture, undertook excavations ahead of redevelopment at Redcliff...
5 May 2022
Located in the Czech Republic, the Mšecké Žehrovice’s head makes an appealing piece with its delightful curling mustaches- “perhaps the...
16 March 2022
Harp is a world-famous, ancient, stringed musical instrument. Chang, in terms of structure, is a harp-like stringed musical instrument. The...