Experts to uncover the secret of the monumental and three-dimensional Urartian statue found on Garibin Tepe
In an area where rescue excavations were conducted last year, archaeologists discovered a basalt stone statue from the Urartian period...
Archaeologists revealed Urartian King Menua second temple in Van excavations
The second temple of King Menua as well as a chamber tomb were unearthed during the excavations carried out this...
Remains of the summer palace of Genghis Khan’s grandson, Hulagu Khan, found in eastern Turkey
The archeology study team, consisting of Turkish and Mongolian scientists, found important findings in the study carried out to find...
Tomb of an Urartian buried with his dog, cattle, sheep, and 4 horses unearthed
In ancient times, the dead were buried with their living and non-living things. The offerings placed as dead gifts varied...
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