Academics Uncover Ancient Roman Physicians Galen’s Pharmacy Legacy in İzmir
As a part of research on medicinal plants in Bergama, İzmir’s historic district where Galen (129 AD -200 AD) once...
Private lodges were uncovered in the colosseum of the ancient city of Pergamon
Private lodges built for the elite-class people to watch gladiator or wild animal fights shows have been unearthed in the...
In Bergama, the City of Greek Gods, the People Kept the Cult of Cybele Alive
The figurines of Cybele, the goddess of the fertility of Anatolia, and the presence of sanctuaries unearthed in the Ancient...
Library Wars in the Old Age!
One of, the world’s oldest and largest library, the other was born 100 years later as a rival to it....
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