6 October 2024 The Future is the Product of the Past

Iran Police Seize 2 Golden Elamite Masks More than 2000 Years Old

The Bushehr provincial police chief seized some holy relics, including two more than 2,000-year-old golden masks, in an operation against antiquities smugglers.

The experts of the Cultural Heritage Department estimated that these objects are more than 2000 years old, dating back to the pre-Achaemenid period and the late Elamite period.

“The seized artifacts include two gold masks, a bowl, statues, and several pottery items,” Esmaeel Sajjadi-Manesh stated on Sunday. “Which experts from the provincial office have dated back to the Parthian and Elamite periods.”

He further elaborated that the smugglers were tracked and monitored closely, leading to their capture in Fars province, just as they attempted to sell the artifacts.

Iran’s police spotted the smugglers in Ganaveh Port, Bushehr province, and arrested them during the transaction in Shiraz city, Fars Province.

Sajjadi-Manesh added that the recovered artifacts have been returned to Bushehr.

“Among the items recovered, one of the most valuable is the gold mask, estimated to be over 2,000 years old,” he noted, “The mask was reportedly being sold for several billion tomans (about 50.000 USD) during the illegal transaction.”

The Elamite Empire is where Bushehr originated, according to research conducted in 1913 by a French excavation team. The Elamite civilization was an ancient culture located in what is now western Iran, existing roughly from 3000 to 500 BCE. Elamites are known for their rich artistic traditions and complex social structures.

Typically, Elamite period golden masks were used in burial rituals as a symbol of the passage to the afterlife. These masks often featured intricate designs and served as representations of the human face, imbued with religious or ritual significance. The craftsmanship of Elamite gold masks showcases detailed workmanship, often incorporating various symbols that reflect their beliefs and values.

These artifacts are very important for the understanding of Elamite culture and for obtaining information about social and religious practices.

Sajjadi-Manesh emphasized that relics are vital components of the nation’s history and culture. “Anyone attempting to exploit or damage this heritage would inevitably face the full force of the law,” he said.

Cover Image: Mehr News Agency

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