Rare clay figurine found in Italian Cave dating back 7000 years
Archaeologists from Sapienza University of Rome discovered a figure with female features in the Battifratta cave, near Poggio Nativo in...
Unlucky medieval woman underwent at least two skull surgeries in Longobard Italy
A detailed examination of the skull of a woman who lived at the medieval settlement of Castel Trosino in central...
A huge artificial lake in Sicily is an ancient sacred pool that was aligned with the Stars and used 2,500 years ago, study reveals
A sacred freshwater pool on western Sicily’s San Pantaleo Island that dates back some 2,500 years was aligned with the...
Collectors In The Prehistoric World Recycled Old Stone Tools To Preserve The Memory Of Their Ancestors
A first-of-its-kind study at Tel Aviv University asks what drove prehistoric humans to collect and recycle flint tools that had...
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