27 July 2024 The Future is the Product of the Past

Historic bath set to turn into gastronomy gallery

Built between 1520 and 1540 in the Sur district of the eastern province of Diyarbakır, the historic Çardaklı Hamam is scheduled to be restored and transformed into a ‘gastronomy gallery,’ featuring traditional foods.

Çardaklı hamamı, in the Dabanoğlu neighborhood, as part of the Hüsrevpaşa foundation and was expropriated in 1999. The bath is entered via a taşlık section from to the north.

Cemil Koç, Director of Diyarbakır Monuments and Museums, stated that the aim is to adapt the hammam to modern needs and the surrounding urban environment by giving it a culinary function. Koç expressed, “Within the Sur district, written sources reveal the existence of 20 hammams. Of these, only seven continue to exist today. Among the most significant of these is the Çardaklı Hamam.

Photo: Diyarbakır Monuments and Museums

Regarding its design, Koç added, “The hammam has a star-shaped plan and fully reflects the entire Ottoman bath culture and architectural features. It includes architectural sections for cold, warm, temperate, hell and furnace areas. The Çardaklı Hamam, which reflects the complete architectural features of the Ottoman bath culture, including sections for cold, warm and hot treatments and a furnace area, has been a vital part of Diyarbakır’s history.”

Koç also emphasized that the interior lighting of the hammam is typically through dome and vault ‘elephant eyes,’ with 310 such openings ensuring natural light.

Urgent restoration efforts were started for the hammam in response to the structural damage caused by terror-related incidents in 2015 and the earthquakes on February 6 of last year. Beginning in July 2023, the Culture and Tourism Ministry’s investment program has made restoration a top priority. The restoration is expected to be completed by October if no further issues arise.

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