19 December 2023
Archaeologists have discovered token in Norfolk in the East of England, dating from between 1470 and 1560, given to the...
18 December 2023
Scholars of China’s Tsinghua University have deciphered five documents recorded on bamboo slips dating back to the Warring States period...
Petra was the capital of a powerful trading empire two thousand years ago. It was established by the Nabateans, a...
17 December 2023
Ruins of a temple belonging to the goddess Kubaba were found in the Ancient City of Kastabala. The ancient city...
16 December 2023
In Switzerland, a volunteer archaeologist and dental student Lucas Schmid discovered in 2019 a 2000-year-old silver and brass dagger. It...
15 December 2023
In the city of Rostock on Germany’s northern coast, archaeologists found a lead curse tablet invoking Satan and two other...
Viking Age teeth at Varnhem indicate surprisingly advanced dentistry, according to the results of a study conducted at the University...
14 December 2023
Archaeologists from the Jagiellonian University, southern Poland, have made a significant discovery of ancient indigenous paintings and carvings in the...
Archaeologists have uncovered a luxurious Roman home between Rome’s Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum, boasting an “unparalleled” mosaic featuring...
13 December 2023
Researchers unearthed a wooden saddle framed with iron stirrups in a tomb in Urd Ulaan Uneet, popularly known as the...